Hip Enlarger Cream

Hip Reconstruction Natural Cream and Cosmetic Surgery 🕊️.

Analysis involving the restoration and reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. It can be divided into three main categories: Hip Cream-Enlargement, reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery. Hip Cream-Enlargement involved creamy admixture Hip-pump  Reconstructive surgery includes craniofacial surgery hand surgery, and the treatment of burns. While reconstructive surgery aims to reconstruct a part of the body or improve its functioning, cosmetic or aesthetic surgery aims at improving the appearance of it. Both of these techniques are used throughout the world.

Surgical etymology of the Hip and SURGICAL plastic
The word  etymology or plastic surgery means 'reshapping the art of increasing and modelling" of malleable flesh.This meaning in English is seen as early as 1598. The natural Hip-pmp or surgical definition of "plastic" first appeared in 1839, preceding the modern "engineering material made from petroleum" sense by 70 years back 🕊️

In plastic surgery, the transfer of skin tissue skin grafting is a very common procedure. Skin grafts can be derived from the recipient or donors: Autografts are taken from the recipient. If absent or deficient of natural tissue, alternatives can be cultured sheets of epithelial cells in vitro or synthetic compounds, such as integra, which consists of silicone and bovine tendon collagen with glycosaminoglycans.
Xenografts are taken from a donor of a different species.
Usually, good results would be expected from plastic surgery that emphasize careful planning of incisions so that they fall within the line of natural skin folds or lines, appropriate choice of wound closure, use of best available suture materials, and early removal of exposed sutures so that the wound is held closed by buried sutures.

Cosmetological Surgery of the Hip.🐢
Cosmetic surgery is a voluntary or elective surgery that is performed on normal parts of the body with the only purpose of improving a person's appearance and/or removing signs of aging. The number of cosmetic procedures performed in the United States has almost doubled since the start of the century. 👀 %75  of the surgical cosmetic procedures were performed on women in 2014, up from 88% in 2001 Nearly 12 million cosmetic procedures were performed in 2007, with the five most common surgeries being breast augmentation, liposuction, breast reduction, eyelid surgery, and abdominoplasty. The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery looks at the statistics for 34 different cosmetic procedures. Nineteen of the procedures are surgical, such as rhinoplasty or facelift. The nonsurgical procedures include Botox and laser hair removal. In 2010, their survey revealed that there were many procedures in the United States. Of those, many procedures were surgical p. 5 they also found that a large majority, of the procedures were done on Caucasian people . 🐢 👀

The American society of plastic Surgeon
estimated that more than 333,000 cosmetic procedures were performed on patients 18 years of age or younger in the US in 2005 compared to approx. 14,000 in 1996. This is significant because it encourages younger people to continue these procedures later in life. The increased use of cosmetic procedures crosses racial and ethnic lines in the U.S., with increases seen among African-Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanic Americans as well as Caucasian Americans. UK newspaper articles, %89 used the term ‘plastic surgery’ in the context of cosmetic surgery. This is significant as it shows the frequency in which the western world portrays cosmetic surgery. In Asia, cosmetic surgery has become more popular, and countries such as China and India have become Asia's biggest cosmetic surgery markets. South Korea is also rising in popularity due to their expertise in facial bone surgeries. The first publication by a team of South Korean surgeons on facial bone contouring surgeries was published illustrating various surgery methods used for facial bone contouring surgeries.
Plastic surgery is increasing slowly, rising %115 from 2000 to 2015. "According to the annual plastic surgery procedural statistics, there were over 1.5 million surgical and minimally-invasive cosmetic procedures performed in the United States in 2015, a 2 percent increase over 2014

Major Aesthetic cosmetic surgery procedures as follows;---
Abdominoplasty tummy tuck  reshaping and firming of the abdomen.
Blepharoplasty eyelid surgery reshaping of upper lower eyelids including Asian blepharoplasty.
Phalloplasty penile surgery construction or reconstruction of a penis or, sometimes, artificial modification of the penis by surgery, often for cosmetic purposes

Mammoplastic surgical cement
Analysis of breast augmentations breast implant" or "boob job augmentation of the breasts by means of fat grafting, saline, or s ilicone gel prosthetics, which was initially performed for women with micromastia
Reduction mammoplasty breast reduction removal of skin and glandular tissue, which is done to reduce back and shoulder pain in women with gigantomastia and for men with gynecomastia
Mastopexy breast lift Lifting or reshaping of breasts to make them less saggy, often after weight loss after a pregnancy, for example It involves removal of breast skin as opposed to glandular tissue
Buttock augmentation butt implant enhancement of the buttocks using silicone implants or fat grafting Brazilian butt liftwhere fat is transferred from other areas of the body

Cryoliponisis🌴🕊️ refers to a medical device used to destroy fat cells. Its principle relies on controlled cooling for non-invasive local reduction of fat deposits to reshape body contours.
Cryoneuromodulation: Treatment of superficial and subcutaneous tissue structures using gaseous nitrous oxide, including temporary wrinkle reduction, temporary pain reduction, treatment of dermatologic conditions, and focal cryo-treatment of tissue

Calf augmentation done by silicone implants or fat transfer to add bulk to calf muscles
Labiaplasty: surgical reduction and reshaping of the labia

Lip augmentation: alter the appearance of the lips by increasing their fullness through surgical enlargement with lip implants or nonsurgical enhancement with injectable fillers
Cheiloplasty: surgical reconstruction of the lip

Rhinoplasty nose lift  .reshaping of the nose sometimes used to correct breathing impaired by structural defects.
Otoplasty 👂 ear surgery 👂 pinning reshaping of the ear, most often done by pinning the protruding ear closer to the head.

Rhytidectomy of the face lift: removal of wrinkles and signs of aging from the face

Neck lift: tightening of lax tissues in the neck. This procedure is often combined with a facelift for lower face rejuvenation.

Browplastic brow lift" or "forehead lift elevates eyebrows, smooths forehead skin

Midface lift cheek lift tightening of the cheeks

Geneoplastic surgery: augmentation of the chin with an individual's bones or with the use of an implant, usually silicone, by suture of the soft tissue

Cheek augmentation cheek implant implants to the cheek

Arthognatic Surgery: altering the upper and lower jaw bones (through osteotomy to correct jaw alignment issues and correct the teeth alignment

Fillers injections: collagen, fat, and other tissue filler injections, such as hyaluronic acid

Surgical Brachioplastic Alm lift: reducing excess skin and fat between the underarm and the elbow

Laser Skin Rejuvenation or laser resurfacing: the lessening of depth of facial pores and exfoliation of dead or damaged skin cells

Liposuction suction lipectomy removal of fat deposits by traditional suction technique or ultrasonic energy to aid fat removal

Zygoma reduction plasty: reducing the facial width by performing osteotomy and resecting part of the zygomatic bone and arch

Jaw Reduction surgery: reduction of the mandible angle to smooth out an angular jaw and creating a slim jaw

Buccal Fat Extraction: extraction of the buccal pads
The most popular surgeries are Botox, liposuction, eyelid surgery, breast implants, nose jobs, and facelifts
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